The Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) is a Scottish Government funded programme, set up to:
- Help community groups in Scotland take on assets for their community, giving them greater control of land and buildings, and helping to ensure local service delivery in the future.
- Support local authorities, other public bodies and members of Community Planning Partnerships to transfer a building or land asset, recognising the benefits of partnership working with the community to meet future goals.
New Futures – Former Places of Worship
New Futures– Former Places of Worship, is a programme delivered by the Community Ownership Support Service (COSS), with funding from Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and National Lottery Heritage Trust, to support community-based groups in Scotland consider taking ownership of former places of worship. This is in direct response to the significant and unprecedented number of former places of worship that are due for disposal over the next several years.
For more information on this bespoke service, please contact COSS on 0131 225 2080 or coss [at] dtascot [dot] org [dot] uk