
COSS Publications

Module One: Introduction to Community Asset Transfer

This module is the first in a series of six which have been produced by the Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) to support the sustainable transfer of publicly-held assets into community ownership. COSS is delivered by the Development Trusts Association for Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government.

Engaging in community asset transfer involves three core elements:

  • Examining the feasibility of an asset transfer
  • Planning for the asset transfer
  • Managing and sustaining the asset when acquired
This series of modules covers each of these areas and provides advice and guidance on making an application for asset transfer helping to ensure it is robust.
PDF icon 1 COSS module 1 - Introduction to Asset Transfer.pdf

Beyond the Usual Suspects

Fundraising for the development and ongoing management of your community asset will be a key part of your early planning. If you haven’t done it before it can seem daunting. This guide aims to help you to establish a funding package; highlighting options to raise money beyond loan and grant funding. It has been updated in 2019 to reflect the recent changes to fundraising regulations.


PDF icon DTAS Beyond The Ususal Suspects_WEB.pdf

Your church, your community

This guidance has been developed by the Community Ownership Support Service, Heritage Trust Network and Historic Churches Scotland to meet a growing need from communities for specific guidance around churches and accompanying land.
Taking over a building of any type is a big step for a community and brings with it substantial responsibility. It can appear a daunting prospect, but this document has been designed to guide you through the process.


PDF icon DTA Scotland Your Church Your Community Guidance.pdf

Your Church, Your Community (printer friendly version)

Guidance for communities exploring future uses for church buildings. 
This guidance has been developed by the  Community Ownership Support Service, Heritage Trust Network and Historic Churches Scotland to meet a growing need from communities for specific guidance around churches and accompanying land.Taking over a building of any type is a big step for a community  and brings with it substantial responsibility. It can appear a daunting prospect, but this document has been designed to guide you through the process


PDF icon 2233 DTA Scotland Your Church Your Community Guidance 24pp Doc 20.6.23.pdf

Profiting from Creativity

Exploring ways to bring creative industries in to the sustainabilty mix for community venues.
By Community Ownership Support Service, in association with Voluntary Arts Scotland.
PDF icon ProfitingfromCreativity.pdf

Community Ownership in Scotland - A Baseline Study

Through this study, Development Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS) has sought to establish the current scale and nature of community ownership of assets across Scotland. The research was conducted by DTAS’ Community Ownership Support Service (COSS). 

PDF icon Community Ownership in Scotland - A Baseline Study

Involving Your Community

A practical guide to the benefits and techniques for involving and consulting local communities in community asset based projects.

Last updated July 2020

PDF icon Involving Your Community 2020.pdf

Managing Risk in Community Asset Transfer

COSS Guidance for Relevant Authorities - Managing Risk in Community Asset Transfer

PDF icon DTAS Managing Risk FINAL.pdf

Module Six: Asset Management

This module aims to provide an introduction to running an asset effectively post-acquisition. It considers key issues such as premises management, maintenance and use, financial controls and sustainability, risk management, social value and good environmental practice. It relates strongly to the previous modules in this programme, which contain information to ensure that once you take control of the asset, regardless of tenure, you will be in a strong position to manage it successfully.

PDF icon 6 COSS Module 6 - Asset Management.pdf

Sustainable New Uses for Old Buildings

Introductory guide examining the opportunities and challenges involved with taking former civic buildings into community ownership.
PDF icon Sustainable New Uses For Old Buildings - print version

Public toilets – the real cost of spending a penny

This publication has been produced in response to the concern about the closure of public toilets across the country and the awareness of the need for good public toilets to promote health, access and inclusion. Increasingly communities are looking at how they can become involved in saving or providing public toilets, so here we present some facts and examples of how other communities have gone about saving this service.

Below you will also find the accompanying webinar, delivered by Sandra Macaskill of CaskieCo, who has researched and written the publication for the Community Ownership Support Service, this webinar will draw on the experiences from urban and rural communities, discuss the issues to be considered and highlights some of the innovative approaches being taken.

Please note - this resource was written in 2018 and has not been updated to reflect guidance in relation to Covid-19

PDF icon Public Toilets 2022.pdf

Module Three: Business Planning

This module provides a guide to writing a business plan for a community organisation considering taking on an asset. It relies on the general principles used when preparing a plan for a new business. We use the term ‘business’ because taking on an asset will require you to adopt a business approach – whether you are a community development trust, charity or any social purpose vehicle.

PDF icon 3 COSS Module 3 - Business Planning.pdf

Module One B - Introduction to Community Right to Buy

Provides communities with a introduction to Community Right to Buy. The guidance covers:

  • Which CRtB option is most appropriate for your community
  • An overview of the three CRtB processes
    • Community Right to Buy Part 2
    • Community Right to Buy - Abandoned, Neglected or Detrimental Land
    • Community Right to Buy - Land to further Sustainable Development
  • Getting ready for CRtB
  • Four case studies from communities that have used the process
  • Tools and resources to help you on your journey
PDF icon COSS Introduction to Community Right to Buy FINAL.pdf

Module Four: Financial Planning

This module aims to provide participants with an understanding of financial planning in the context of community asset transfer and considers:

Asset Transfer Route Map

This new PDF has been developed by Community Ownership Support Service (COSS). It is used by COSS advisors to identify where you are in the process, as laid down in Part 5; Asset Transfer, in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. It helps to guide you through the steps along the way to achieving your goals.  Side one of the poster shows the four phases of the asset transfer process and signposts each phase of the journey.  Side two gives more detail and links to relevant information for each phase.

PDF icon Asset transfer route map web.pdf

Module Five: Governance and People

This module aims to provide participants with the knowledge and practical skills required to establish and maintain good governance in relation to the management or ownership of an asset. It focuses on a number of areas, including governance, building board capacity, effective leadership within the organisation and managing staff and volunteers.

PDF icon 5 COSS Module 5 - Governance and People.pdf

Module Two: Feasibility

This module aims to provide organisations with the knowledge and practical skills required to explore the feasibility of engaging in community asset transfer. It focuses on a number of areas, including the user demand and organisational asset transfer readiness.

The core learning outcomes of this module are:
  • To understand the process of asset assessment
  • To gain knowledge on the factors impacting upon sustainability
  • To understand the importance of proving demand and ensuring strategic fit
  • To gain knowledge of the steps necessary to scope an asset and identify legal issues
  • To gain knowledge of building internal capacity to match the needs of the project
  • To understand how to conduct a risk analysis for the project
  • To understand the key components of a feasibility study
PDF icon 2 COSS Module 2 - Feasibility.pdf

Getting Started

Crofting Community Right to Buy route map

The Crofting Community Right to Buy (CCRtB) in Part 3 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (“the Act”) creates a setting in which a Crofting Community Body (CCB), representing an identifed crofting community, may acquire eligible croft land (including "fshing rights and / or mineral rights (except mineral rights to oil, coal, gas, gold or silver))
PDF icon Crofting Community Right to buy.pdf

To Have and to hold

A comprehensive and useful guide to asset development for community and social enterprises, but useful for Local Authorities too.

Produced by the Development Trusts Association (DTA).

PDF icon To Have and To Hold

Negotiated Sales Route Map

Negotiated sales of privately owned land and buildings.
PDF icon Negotiated sale route map.pdf

Module One: Introduction to Community Asset Transfer

This module is the first in a series of six which have been produced by the Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) to support the sustainable transfer of publicly-held assets into community ownership. COSS is delivered by the Development Trusts Association for Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government.

Engaging in community asset transfer involves three core elements:

  • Examining the feasibility of an asset transfer
  • Planning for the asset transfer
  • Managing and sustaining the asset when acquired
This series of modules covers each of these areas and provides advice and guidance on making an application for asset transfer helping to ensure it is robust.
PDF icon 1 COSS module 1 - Introduction to Asset Transfer.pdf

Community Right to Buy Route Map

A Community Right to Buy (CRtB) is a pre-emptive right to buy land (or property) for communities throughout Scotland under Part 2 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. It provides for those communities, who successfully register a community interest in land, to have the frst option to buy when the registered land is offered for sale.
PDF icon Community Right to buy.pdf

Community Growing Resource Pack

If your group is looking to take on an asset to develop a growing project or community garden, Social Farms and Gardens has published a Community Growing Resource Pack specifically for Scottish groups. It can be downloaded below.

PDF icon Community Growing Resource Pack Scotland.pdf

Asset Transfer Route Map

This new PDF has been developed by Community Ownership Support Service (COSS). It is used by COSS advisors to identify where you are in the process, as laid down in Part 5; Asset Transfer, in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. It helps to guide you through the steps along the way to achieving your goals.  Side one of the poster shows the four phases of the asset transfer process and signposts each phase of the journey.  Side two gives more detail and links to relevant information for each phase.

PDF icon Asset transfer route map web.pdf

Asset Transfer Guidance for Community Transfer Bodies

This guidance has been developed for both relevant authorities and community bodies.  Relevant authorities are required to have regard to guidance issued by the Scottish Ministers in carrying out their functions in relation to asset transfer.

There is more guidance for community transfer bodies on completing the request form, and more for relevant authorities on the acknowledgement and notices they have to issue following receipt of a request.

PDF icon Asset Transfer CTB Guidance Notes.pdf

Neilston Development Trust - Town Charter

This report describes and illustrates the process of creating a charter for Scotland’s first renaissance town. The town charter was created by the people of Neilston, for the people of Neilston. It illustrates their 20-year vision for the village.

PDF icon neilston town charter.pdf

Planning and Designing Your Project

Community Action Plans : An Approach to Place Based Strategic Planning

Community led action planning is a tried and tested way of setting out a vision for a community with an accompanying set of actions to be delivered over time.

The purpose of this document, having reflected on the history of community action planning, is to set out an ideal process that is effective and will achieve impact, but is also affordable and accessible to local people.

PDF icon Community-Action-Planning-a-process-CE-0920.pdf

Building/Landscape Design Brief

An outline of what should be included in a design brief.

Microsoft Office document icon Building/Landscape Design Brief

Risk Management Template

Risk Management Template and Guidance. 

File Risk Management Template.docx

Guide for Landowners by the Community Land Advisory Service

The Guide For Landowners (updated 2018) has been produced by the Community Land Advisory Service in Scotland and provides free, comprehensive information and advice to help landowners play their part in the surge in community gardening and food growing across Scotland.

PDF icon SF&G CLAS Landowners Guide 09.18.pdf

Sustainable Development and Environmental Sustainability Guidance

These two documents are useful to dip into for project development.  The Big Lottery: Sustainable Development, although an older publication  gives good information and many case studies from Scotland.  Heritage Lottery: Environmental Sustainability Guidance, although produced for applicants to that fund has a wealth of information on sustainability issues and a

PDF icon Sustainable Development: an introduction (Big Lottery Fund)

Your Buildings, Your Future

A guide to commissioning sustainable architecture for community organisations.

By Matt Bridgestock

PDF icon Your Buildings, Your Future

The Green Asset Guide

This is  an older publication and  has to be read both in the light of the ever-changing green industry and that it has a UK-wide focus, it is still a really useful guide with logical and comprehensive consideration of  aspects of renewable design.

Produced by the Development Trusts Association

PDF icon The Green Asset Guide

Property Title Checklist for Community Organisations

It is recommended that those buying any property have the title examined by a qualified legal professional. This document is a non-exhaustive list of some of the things they should look into on your behalf. As the client you should be aware of them, ensure they have been checked over and take into account any implications of the findings.

File Property Title Checklist for Community Organisations

Making Buildings Work for your Community

Informative and readable guide to what to think about when looking at refurbishment for community use.

Produced by the Asset Transfer Unit

PDF icon Making Buildings Work for your Community

Feasibility Studies: A Guide to Good Practice

This good practice note is about how to tackle a Feasibility Study and is for the information of both community groups, acting as client, and their consultants.

PDF icon Feasibility Studies: A Guide to Good Practice (RIAS)

Successful Planning = Effective Engagement and Delivery

A practical guide to better engagement in planning in Scotland.

PDF icon Speed-2018.pdf

Project Make or Break Questions

The initial assessment for a project should at a minimum research and answer these Project Make or Break Questions

Microsoft Office document icon project-make-or-break.doc

Example Site Options Appraisal: Lochend & Restalrig

Lochend and Restalrig Community set out to identify sites which would be suitable for the development of a community growing project.

PDF icon Scottish Planning = Effective Engagement and Delivery - Practical Guide to Engagement in Planning.pdf

Evidence from Elsewhere: Gathering, analysing and using other people's evidence

Written by the Knowledge Translation Network 'Evidence from Elsewhere: Gathering, analysing and using other people's evidence' guides anyone in the third sector who wants to use secondary evidence to inform, influence and improve policy or practice, or both, through the process of using secondary evidence.

Using other people’s evidence can be useful to fill gaps in your evidence or to help make a case for a new service or project.



PDF icon evidencefromelsewhere-web.pdf

Example Site Options Appraisal: PEDAL

A detailed site options appraisal undertaken by PEDAL for a 'Transition Hub' community space.

PDF icon Example Site Options Appraisal: PEDAL

Example Site Options Appraisal: Community Growing Spaces

A sample site options appraisal for the development of community growing spaces

PDF icon Example Site Options Appraisal: Community Growing Spaces (COSS)

Place Standard Tool

The Place Standard tool provides a simple framework to structure conversations about place. It allows you to think about the physical elements of a place (for example its buildings, spaces, and transport links) as well as the social aspects (for example whether people feel they have a say in decision making).

The tool provides prompts for discussions, allowing you to consider all the elements of a place in a methodical way. The tool pinpoints the assets of a place as well as areas where a place could improve.

Organisation and Staff

Skills Self-Assessment Framework

This self-assessment framework covers a range of skills that a community organisation will require to successfully take on and develop an asset for their community. 

Microsoft Office document icon Skills Self-Assessment Framework

ACEVO Legal Structures for Social Enterprise (amended and updated)

Useful crib sheet as an introduction to the various structures - a rough guide

File Legal Structures (Amended).xlsx

Brief Guide to Employing People

This brief guide has been developed as part of DTA Scotland's ongoing support to Governing Bodies of member organisations. Its purpose is to provide a light read which highlights the main areas of importance to watch out for when employing people.

PDF icon Brief Guide to Employing People

Note on TUPE Transfers

The purpose of TUPE is to protect the rights and preserve the contracts of employment of staff where an organisation (or part) or contract to provide services (or part) transfers. This document provides a useful basic guide and the Acas guide "Handling TUPE Transfers" provides more detailed information updated in 2021

Microsoft Office document icon Note on TUPE Transfers


Investing in Your Community

Investing in Your Community, a guide to managing community funds, by Highlands and Islands Enterprise

PDF icon Investing in Your Community

Community Asset Transfer at Discounted Value

This note aims to brief community groups so they are in an informed position to argue the case for discounted value asset transfers from local authorities, and to assist local authorities with any required internal processes.

PDF icon Community Asset Transfer at Discounted Value - Briefing Note

Finance Hub VAT Briefing

This briefing explains the most important rules governing VAT on partnerships. It then explains how to make sure that your partnership operates within those rules.

PDF icon Finance Hub VAT Briefing

State Aid

Please be aware, as of 01 January 2021, the EU State aid information on these pages is no longer applicable in the UK and should be used for reference only. There is no new guidance at present produced by the Scottish Government  on State Aid requirements but this page will be updated when that information becomes available. The Frequently-asked questions section could be useful if you have specific queries.

Managing Risk in Community Asset Transfer

This  publication aims to help facilitate more successful community asset transfers by providing information, guidance and informative case studies that address the more commonly encountered risks associated with asset transfer.

Policy and Research

SULU Previous Questions

Questions that Scottish Universities Land Unit (SULU) students have been asked as part of the programme.

PDF icon SULU Questions.pdf

Promoting Asset Transfer - Project 2009-2011 – Final Report

The final report on DTA Scotland's Promoting Asset Transfer programme

PDF icon Promoting Asset Transfer - Final Report

Energising Community Halls

REAP's community energy guide "Energising Community Halls" can help your community building save money and look at what renewables might be suitable for your site. This guide is the result of a year-long CCF funded project by REAP based in Keith, Moray.

PDF icon Energising Community Halls

COSS Briefing Paper Scot Gov 2023

A briefing for the Scottish Government to inform the review of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act; highlighting the experience of community groups going through the asset transfer process, general trends and specific issues that have emerged since the Part 5 Community Asset Transfer went live in January 2017. 

PDF icon COSS Briefing Paper Scot Gov 2023 .pdf

Communities controlling assets: a better understanding

This report contains the findings from research commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on the experience of community organisations controlling assets in the UK.

PDF icon Communities controlling assets: a better understanding (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)

Community Right to Buy - Guidance - March 2016

Full guidance for community bodies, land owners and third parties.

Published by The Scottish Government, March 2016.

Links below to the SG CRtB website with information on how to make an application, templates etc

PDF icon Crtb guidance.pdf

Community Empowerment Action Plan

The Community Empowerment Action Plan, jointly developed by the Scottish Government, COSLA and colleagues in the third sector, encourages people in both rural and urban areas to participate in the running of their neighbourhoods. The action plan provides clarity on what community empowerment is, why it is important and how communities can get involved.

PDF icon Community Empowerment Action Plan (Scottish Government and COSLA)

The Christie Commission - Future Delivery of Public Services

In contrast to previous work concentrating on specific aspects of public service reform, this Commission was asked to look across the whole field of public service delivery, and examine the challenges, obstacles and opportunities that lie before us. On this basis, the commission were asked to map out a way forward for the reform of public services.  This included recommentations that recognise "effective services must be designed with and for people and communities – not delivered ‘top down’ for administrative convenience."

PDF icon Chrsitie Commission.pdf

Asset management in local government: Audit Scotland

This study evaluates the extent to which councils manage their assets to ensure effective service provision and achieve value for money, and makes recommendations for improvement. 

PDF icon Asset management in local government: Audit Scotland

Asset Transfer Guidance for Relevant Authorities

This guidance has been developed for relevant authorities.  Relevant authorities are required to have regard to guidance issued by the Scottish Ministers in carrying out their functions in relation to asset transfer.

PDF icon Asset Transfer RA Guidance Notes.pdf

DTAS-COSS GDPR Privacy Notice

GDPR Privacy Notice reffering to the personal details we hold on clients for Scottish Government reporting purposes and how we process this.


Public Asset Transfer: Empowering Communities

A review of Council policy and practice in relation to asset transfer across Scotland

PDF icon Public Asset Transfer: Empowering Communities (DTA Scotland)

Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) Regulations

The purpose of this guidance is to provide local authorities in Scotland with information that will assist when considering the disposal of land

PDF icon Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) Regulations: General Guidance

Community Right to Buy Abandoned, Neglected or Detrimental Land - Full Guidance

This guidance is intended to support communities through the right to buy abandoned, neglected or detrimental land process. The guidance covers most aspects from the initial identification of land to the completion of a purchase. It provides a step-by-step guide, setting out the considerations that need to be taken into account, the legal requirements that must be met and the various decision-making stages. Although the majority of the information is relevant to community groups, there is also useful information for landowners and other parties who may have a reason to be involved in the process.

PDF icon Community Right to Buy Abandoned, Neglected or Detrimental Land - Full Guidance.pdf

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015

The detail of the Act in full.  This should be used to relate the Asset Transfer Guidance Notes from the Scottish Government to the specific sections referred to within the Act.
PDF icon CEA in full.pdf

Fact Sheets and Tools

Lease Provisions and Potential Impact

This document highlights lease provisions which existing projects have identified as having significant impact on the viability and sustainability of their project and their ability to use the assets to benefit their communities.

Microsoft Office document icon Lease Provisions and Potential Impact.doc

RICS Small Business Lease: Guidance for Tenants

The purpose of this guide is to help tenants of the RICS Small Business Retail Lease (Scotland) understand some of the terms included.

PDF icon RICS Small Business Lease: Guidance for Tenants

Lease and Property Transaction Glossary

A glossary of lease and property transaction terms

PDF icon Lease and Property Transaction Glossary

Community Asset Transfer for Men’s Sheds under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (CEA)

The establishment of Men’s Sheds across Scotland is increasing week by week. This fact sheet has been produced to look at some of the issues particularly affecting Men’s Sheds in the asset transfer process. These include finding funding for purchase of an asset, demonstrating wider community benefit and finding ways to “pay the bills”. It complements the extensive general information on all aspects of Community Asset Transfer (CAT) to be found on the COSS website.
PDF icon Mens Sheds Fact Sheet.pdf

RICS Small Business Lease: Form

A fillable form for the RICS Small Business Lease

PDF icon RICS Small Business Lease: Form

Abandoned, neglected or detrimental land - Dissolved companies (SULU Factsheet)

This factsheet from SULU (Scottish Universities Land Unit) provides useful information on abandoned, neglected or detrimental land which is thought to be owned by a dissolved company.

Note: This factsheet is for Scottish property only and contains guidance, not legal advice.


PDF icon SULU Factsheet (Abandoned, Neglected or Detrimental Land - Dissolved Companies).pdf

Common Good - A Quick Guide

Properly accounted for and properly managed, Scotland’s Common Good can be used to revitalise communities.

Read this Quick Guide and join the campaign to identify, document and restore your common heritage.

PDF icon Common Good - A Quick Guide

Heads of Terms

Table listing the standard "heads of terms" for a lease agreement, with explanatory notes. Once agreed, this is used as the basis for instructing lawyers to prepare an agreement for completion.

Microsoft Office document icon Heads of Terms.doc

Community Asset Transfer Lease - Viewpoints

Asset transfer considerations for the grant of a lease to a community body.

Microsoft Office document icon 12__viewpoints.doc

Assessing Best Value Table

Downloadable version of the 7 government guidances to Assesing Best Value.

File Assessing Best Value Table.xlsx

SULU Factsheet - Detrimental land under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015

This fact sheet from SULU (Scottish University Land Unit) provides information on detrimental land under the Community Empowerment Act, including what community bodies should do if land purchased under the 2015 Act is environmentally affected.
Please note - This fact sheet is for Scottish property only and contains guidance, not legal advice.
PDF icon SULU Factsheet - Detrimental land under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.pdf

Community Ownership of Woodlands

Community woodlands are growing and thriving in Scotland, with over 200 communities across the country engaged in owning or managing woodlands. This fact sheet aims to highlight the steps required for communities to own and manage their own woodland.
PDF icon 0066_DTAS_Factsheet_Community_Woods.pdf

SULU questions

Questions that Scottish Universities Land Unit (SULU) students have been asked as part of the programme.

PDF icon SULU Questions.pdf

Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 Asset Transfer Flowchart

A flowchart to guide you through the asset transfer process from relevant authority to community body under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.

PDF icon flowchart feb 2016.pdf

RIBA Workstages 2020

RIBA Plan of Work 2020 Overview 

PDF icon 2020RIBAPlanofWorktemplatepdf.pdf

Community Ownership of Piers, Slipways and Harbours

This information sheet has been prepared by the Community Ownership Support Service in conjunction with the Tobermory Harbour Association. It is designed to provide community groups with guidance to enable them to make informed decisions on the viability of marine assets.

PDF icon Community Ownership of Piers, Slipways and Harbours

Scottish Universities Land Unit

The Scottish University Land Unit (SULU) has been set up to encourage law students across Scotland to take an active interest in land reform, community empowerment, and community rights in respect of land; and, working in partnership with the Development Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS) and the Community Ownership Support Service (COSS), to provide practical support to community bodies looking to exercise these rights.

PDF icon SULU - Heads of Terms 2020.pdf

Standard Security Factsheet

Standard securities are sometimes used by those transferring a property, or those funding the purchase or development of the property. This Standard Security Factsheet explains standard securities and how they work.

File Standard Security Factsheet

Scottish FA Club Services - Community Asset Transfer Guide

The Scottish FA guide to Community Asset Transfers is aimed at football clubs across Scotland who are either considering or in the process of negotiating a change in the way they manage and secure facilities in their local community.

PDF icon scottish-fa-community-asset-transfers.pdf

Participation Requests Guidance Notes

Part 3 of the Act 2015 on Participation Requests is focussed on extending and improving community participation in improving outcomes for their communities. It is the legislation that enables communities to request to participate in decisions and processes which are aimed at improving outcomes.

File Participation Requests Guidance.docx

Case Studies

Knoydart Foundation Case Study

Download the Knoydart Foundation case study

PDF icon Knoydart Foundation Case Study

Uig Community Shop Case Study

Download the Uig Community Shop case study

PDF icon Uig Community Shop Case Study

Cullen Community Centre - Case Study 2021

How a community saved and revitalised an important local asset

PDF icon 0165-Factsheet_Cullen.pdf

Harbour Café, Tayport, Case Study

Download the Tayport Community Café case study:

PDF icon Harbour Café, Tayport, Case Study

Inverclyde Shed - Case Study 2021

Securing a new space for the community

PDF icon 0165-Factsheet_Inverclyde.pdf

Johnstone Old Police Station - Case Study 2021

Active Communities transform a former police station into a community hub

PDF icon 0165-Factsheet_Johnstone Police Station.pdf

Aberfeldy Town Hall Case Study

Download the Aberfeldy Town Hall case study

PDF icon Aberfeldy Town Hall Case Study


How Can I Reduce My Community Building's Energy Bills, Now and in the Future?

The following webinar will: 
- Provide practical solutions to reducing your energy consumption now.
- Give you information on how you can decarbonise your community building and become more energy efficient, including information on the CARES programme.
- Outline what the benefits may be of signing up to the Scottish  Government Utilities Framework and how to go about doing that.
Speakers include: 
- Ryan Felber - Business Energy Advisor for Business Energy Scotland - Top tips for reducing energy consumption now.
- Mhairi MacSween and Graham McGrath –CARES Development Officers, Local Energy Scotland  - how can I decarbonise my community building and make it even more energy efficient.

The Planning Journey: 10 Junctions A Town Planners Perspective

This guide seeks to help you think creatively about how to engage in the planning process. It looks at real circumstances or possible examples which may help communities think of alternative ways to be involved in the planning process, to secure benefits through development which may not otherwise be available to them.
In this webinar, Sheila Hobbs, Planning Director from Scott Hobbs Planning discusses different strategies to provide solutions to problems faced throughout the planning process.

Public Toilets – Webinar

Below you will find a webinar, delivered by Sandra Macaskill of CaskieCo, who has researched and written the publication 'Public Toilets - the real cost of spending a penny' for the Community Ownership Support Service, this webinar will draw on the experiences from urban and rural communities, discuss the issues to be considered and highlights some of the innovative approaches being taken.

Please note - this resource was produced in 2018 and has not been updated to reflect guidance in relation to Covid-19

Community Benefit Structures

Following our first webinar delivered by James Proctor, Programme Manager of Community Shares Scotland's introduction to the bencom structure in January, this second webinar is delivered by Stephen Phillips, Partner at Burness Paull. Stephen will cover the technical aspects of the Bencom structure in relation to the requirements of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act and organisational governance.

Community Benefit Societies

This webinar will cover the Community Benefits Society (bencom) organisational structure. A bencom is an eligible structure for community groups seeking to make an asset transfer request and we are conscious that many will not have encountered this structure before. We have therefore arranged to hold two webinars to look at the bencom structure in more detail.

This first webinar is delivered by James Procter, Programme Manager of Community Shares Scotland. James provides an introduction to a bencom, why communities elect to adopt this legal form and the key characteristics.

It should be noted that Scots Law and English Law differ and that some of the resources used may be based on English Law.  We have, however, included some English resources as a useful guide, for example, because company law is largely UK-wide eg the "Simply Legal" booklet.  (Please note that the law on companies and co-operatives has since been updated - see the amended legal structures document).  The links in the "Factsheets and Tools" section, below are entirely Scots Law based.